Thursday 18 January 2007

When is a cold wanted?

Hello there

OK, I know, it was only two days since my last update, but I´m sick and at home! When is a cold ever wanted? If someone knows the answer to that, or has an example - they are more than welcome to post that here. Have you heard? "Feed a cold, starve a fever".

So I believe I´m better now. I´m getting hungry today, but I´ve lost my voice. Fingers are rusty at the piano. Brought out some old music I knew years ago. Lovely. Feels like silver bells tinkering down your spine... Thank god there´s music when you feel rotten!

Monday starts off the advanced undergraduate course Genome Analysis at Stockholm University. It has been promised tough. The department is known to offer "keep-your-nose-in-the-book-courses"... Therefore I´ve started off looking at the cd from the book. Hm, then I started repeating the cd from the basic course... *smile*.

I think they are about to awaken now. The grey ones hidden in the top drawer, which I believe once was an actual part of my head. At the end of the day I will pull this off I believe, but I will struggle with my ambition. I´ll be wanting results that might be hard to get now. As you know, I live by this: "Per aspera ad astra", and will try´n keep my head up high.

My love to all of you.

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