Wednesday 8 August 2007

Four and two years old... wow!

Hi all of you.

If you are reading this you probably have good faith in me since I haven´t updated in how many months? Here comes a few pictures on the lads. Could it possibly be any more good fun than a four and a two year old? They play, quarrel, laugh, pull jokes and give us a hard time in between that. Isak are talking tremendously now. If you thought he was good before, he is better now. He says everything (?) that comes into mind... we all love it. Tobias has become calmer in a way, he is not as often angry or sullen as he could be before, to our joy of course. The summer ending and the startup at day care with lots of new children is coming up and we will have to wait and see how that affects them still.

Tobias is eagerly waiting for the guest of his own birthday party for all 17 kids in his day care department... poor us parents - but it was a total success!

The pirate chest (below) was waiting for those who could figure out the map...

Camping breakfast

Promise to put some more summer pictures soon.
All our love and have a good holiday.

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